10 Good Vocab Habits for Passing IELTS

Here’s an interesting article about having good habits for vocabulary:

The amount of vocabulary you need to take the IELTS can seem like an
impossible mountain to climb but if you follow these guidelines you’ll
prepare yourself well and get the grades you need.

Become a Word Collector

All good English teachers will insist that you speak only English in
classes and you should do your best to take this outside of the
classroom.  It’s always tempting to read and speak your native language
but try and resist.

  • It really doesn’t matter whether you read newspapers, magazines or
    books but it does matter that you read them in English.  You may not
    understand every single word but see that as an opportunity to collect
    new words.  The BBC have a great website for English learners http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish which includes a  ‘Word of the Day’ and a section on ‘Words in the News’ where you can listen to and read current news reports.

Read more: http://www.i-studentglobal.com/learning-english/good-vocab-habits-for-passing-ielts

I also came across with this article: https://bluetrinkets8487.wordpress.com/2013/12/07/ielts-international-english-language-testing-system/